From AOC Support we can only help you with notification access.

For information on how to respond to the notification you received or if you have any doubts about its content , contact the organization that sent it to you. We provide you with the addresses of the electronic offices of some administrations in case you do not have the contact:

    • Generalitat and Organizations dependent on the Generalitat : you can contact them through 012 or the Gencat contact page.
    • Tax authorities: You can contact them through their electronic offices.
    • City Councils, Regional Councils, Provincial Councils , etc.: you can contact them through their electronic offices .

You get this warning because you have not activated exclusively electronic notifications for this procedure.

Graphical user interface, Text, Application Description automatically generated

The administration, although it has already sent you a notification on paper, deposits the same notification in the electronic headquarters of the entity, in electronic format.

If you access the electronic notification, the system asks you if you want to change, just for this procedure, notification mechanism: from paper to electronic. This allows you to find out immediately about the receipt of a notification and to be able to access the content in an easy, agile, secure way, with the same legal guarantees and being respectful of the environment, while saving resources.

If you want to be notified electronically, you must provide an email address and/or a mobile phone number in order to notify you the next time you need to be notified.