From AOC Support we can only help you with notification access.

For information on how to respond to the notification you received or if you have any doubts about its content , contact the organization that sent it to you. We provide you with the addresses of the electronic offices of some administrations in case you do not have the contact:

The most common errors are listed below. If, even so, you have not found an answer to your question or incidence in the supporting material included, you will need to contact the notifying body directly.

I asked for a one-time password and it doesn't work

The most common errors that appear related to the single-use code are:

  • "The TIN specified is not correct."
  • "The code entered is not correct."
  • "The code you entered has expired. Please request another one."

Remember that the single-use code:

  1. Only allowed in low-level notifications.
  2. It can only be used to access a specific notification, accessing from the email and/or SMS notification from the same device.
  3. It has a limited temporary validity ( 30 minutes ).

If it doesn't work once it's received, it's because when it's generated, an identifier is saved in the session to later be able to validate it together with the code you receive in the mail or phone, so if you close the browser before access the notification, the session is lost and with it this identifier (ID) of the code, therefore, it does not work and you need to request another one.

Remember that the notifications that can be accessed with a single-use code are the notifications categorized by the issuing entity as LOW security level and therefore you can access them with any other valid digital identification system, as in idCAT Mobile, if the notification is for a person. We recommend that you obtain the mobile idCAT, an identification and signature system that is based on the delivery of a single-use code to the mobile phone and immediate registration electronically. It can be obtained by following the following steps

Service access error
This error occurs when the correct certificate has not been selected, or if it is not installed in the Windows/Mac store and, therefore, the browser used does not detect it.
I get the error "The notification does not belong to the recipient"
This error occurs when a notification is being accessed and the data with which the recipient is being identified does not correspond to the data with which the notification was deposited. You need to review the data you are indicating to access the notification. In the event that the data associated with the notification has changed or is not correct, you must contact the body issuing the notification.
I get the error “Notification is not accessible with low access level”

This error occurs when a digital identifier categorized as low is used and the notification requires a substantial level certificate.

This is because notifications can be configured with three levels of access (LOW, SUBSTANTIAL, and HIGH) depending on the level of security required to access them.

In this regard, if you access with an authentication mechanism lower than the one required, this error message appears.

If a higher access mechanism than required is used, the notification can always be accessed and no error message is output.

I get the error "Notification is not accessible with substantial access level"

If a certificate categorized as substantial is used and the notification requires a high level certificate.

This is why notifications can be configured with three levels of access (LOW, SUBSTANTIAL, and HIGH) depending on the level of security required to access them.

In this regard, if you access with an authentication mechanism lower than the one required, this error message appears.

If a higher access mechanism than required is used, the notification can always be accessed and no error message is output.

I try to access with Firefox and I don't see the certificate to access

If the certificate with which you access is from a company and you access with the Firefox browser , the reason why the certificate with which you have accessed does not appear in the notification is that it is not installed in the store of Windows.

To solve the problem, a backup copy of the certificate should be made from the Firefox browser and installed in the Windows certificate store.

To perform this action you must follow the following steps:

  • Access the Firefox browser
  • Click on the menu Tools - Options - Advanced - Encryption tab .
  • Click the " View the certificates " button
  • Select the certificate you want to use to accept the notification
  • Click the " Backup " button that appears at the bottom of the window
  • Select the location for the file that will be created with the certificate and name it (eg: certificate.p12)
  • Put a password to access the file
  • Once exported, it must be imported into the Windows store: Open the p12 file that was created in the previous step by double-clicking on it
  • Follow the wizard screens and provide the file access password defined in the previous steps when prompted by the wizard.
  • Verify that on the "Certificate store" screen the option "automatically select the certificate store based on type" is checked
  • Once the import is complete, the certificate (the same one that was selected to access the notification) should appear when you accept the notification.
I have successfully logged in but I don't see the notification that I was sent a warning about

It should be noted that the recipient will only see it if the certificate with which they access it contains the NIF to which the specific notification has been associated.

Therefore, when this error occurs, it is quite possible that you are trying to access with a certificate that is not issued in the name of the person/company to whom the notification is addressed, or you are acting as a representative of 'somebody else.

Once you access the notification mailbox, you will be asked if you want to access as yourself or as someone else's representative, so check in the left sidebar the notifications of who you are accessing.  

What notifications do you want to see screen.png

Screen Personal space or representative.png

It is also possible that an error occurred on the part of the notifying body. If he made a mistake when entering the NIF in the notification, a new notification must be sent with the correct NIF . The previous notification, after 10 days without access, will be considered rejected.