In this article we will talk about "Legal person" referring to companies, associations, foundations and private companies.

Here you will find details about the particularities of notifications sent to legal entities. To see the access process go to How to access the notification I received?

Notifications addressed to legal entities can be sent only to the legal entity or link to a contact person in addition.

Here you can see how to identify your case:


Notification sent

only to legal entity

Notification sent to

legal entity + contact person

  • it only mentions the name of the legal entity, indicating that you have received a notification intended for CompanyName .

Text SMS sent only to legal entities

  • Addresses the contact by saying "Hello, PersonName "
  • indicates that you have received a notification intended for CompanyName .

SMS text sent to legal entity and contact person

  • In the "recipient" field indicate the name of the company
  • Does not contain the "Contact" field

e-mail sent only to legal entities

  • In the "recipient" field indicate the name of the company
  • It has a field called "Contact"

e-mail sent to legal entity and contact person

The access mechanism will vary according to:

  • whether it was sent only to the company or also to a contact person
  • the level of security that the administration has deemed necessary to apply to the specific notification (For example, to contain confidential information, for data protection...).
    • For low level it will be possible to access with a single-use code (the contact person will also be able to access with idCAT Mobile)
    • For a substantial level, the minimum access will be with a digital certificate in software
    • For high level access can only be with a digital card certificate (Qualified)

This is why you may receive some notifications that you can access with a one-time code and others that you can only access with a digital certificate.

Below we explain the access mechanisms according to whether the notification has been sent only to a legal entity (only to NIF of legal entity) or to a legal entity with a contact person (NIF of legal entity + NIF of natural person):

CASE 1. Notification intended exclusively for a legal person

The notification is only intended for the NIF of the legal person and, therefore, it can only be accessed by identifying as such.

Identification as a legal entity can be done through:

  • Digital certificate of qualified representative (on card)*: It will be possible to access ALL notifications where the addressee is a legal entity regardless of the access mechanism defined by the administration issuing the notification.
  • Certificate of representative (In software)* : All notifications where the recipient is the legal person can be accessed as long as the mechanism defined to access them is not "Qualified digital certificate").
  • One-time service code e-NOTUM**: It will be possible to access with a one-time use code as long as the specific notification allows access with this mechanism (The email received says so) It only allows access to a specific notification from the 'link of the e-mail or SMS received, provided that the specific notification has been sent to be accessible through this access mechanism.

* The representative certificate also allows access to the notifications of the natural person associated with the certificate. More information: Why do I also see my personal notifications with a representative certificate?

** The e-NOTUM one-time code system is a proprietary system of the service. It should not be confused with the idCAT Mobile, identification system for citizens , also valid for accessing notifications addressed to natural persons.

In the warning email, it is indicated whether the notification is accessible with a digital certificate, with a qualified digital certificate or also with a single-use code. If you have not received the e-mail, if, when accessing via the SMS link, the button appears to request the one-time use code, it is also accessible with this mechanism.

CASE 2. Notification sent to a legal entity and a contact person

If your notification has been sent to a legal entity and a contact person, you can also access with a representative certificate, as explained in CASE 1 .

If you are the contact person in a notification sent to a company, you will be able to identify yourself as a natural person to access it.

Below we explain how to access in this case:

  • One-time service code e-NOTUM :
    You will be able to access with a single-use code, if the email tells you so or, if you have not received an e-mail, if you access via SMS and you see the button to access with a single-use code. In "Identification document" you will have to indicate your ID.
    It only allows access to a specific notification from the link in the e-mail or SMS received, provided that the specific notification has been sent to be accessible through this access mechanism.
  • idCAT Mobile :
    You will be able to access with this mechanism if the notification sent to you as a contact person is accessible with idCAT Mobile (this is indicated by the email received).
  • Personal digital certificate in software : For example, a idCAT Certificate.
    You will be able to access with a personal digital certificate (linked to your ID) if the notification sent to you as a contact person is accessible with a Digital Certificate. The email received tells you if it is accessible with a digital certificate (Do not confuse with a qualified digital certificate, which you have explained below).
  • Qualified digital certificate : Personal card certificate (Ex. Electronic ID).
    'qualified certificate' access mechanism selected in the mail received
    If the email you received as a contact person says "Access mechanism: Qualified digital certificate" it means that you can only access it with a digital card certificate. This is the highest level of a certificate and means that the administration has considered that this particular notification should be opened with a very high level of security (For example, to contain confidential information, for data protection...) .
    To access as a contact person of a notification sent to a legal entity where the access mechanism is "Qualified digital certificate", you can only access with a personal digital certificate on the card. Remember that, having also been sent to the NIF of the legal entity, you can also access it with a representative's certificate (By card, in this case).

If you need to modify the data that an administration has on your company or legal entity, you must contact the specific administration.

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