IMPORTANT: For any queries about the content or to find out how to respond to the notification you have received, contact the organization that sent it directly.

From AOC Support we can only help you with the notification access process.

A notice will be sent to the email address or mobile number provided to the body issuing the notification. By default, e-NOTUM will send you a reminder halfway through the deadline, except in cases where the body issuing the notification has defined a personalized deadline for sending.

The email is sent from the notification notice address of the issuing body, in the format

email notification notice.png

Notification alert SMS are sent from the phone number +34 600124712, identified as AOC.

SMS warning notification.png

However, it is possible to create notifications without notice, since it is not mandatory for us to inform you of the email and telephone fields in the following cases:

  • Individuals, if the notification is additionally sent on paper or if by its nature it must be related to public administrations exclusively in electronic form (more information: e-NOTUM allows notifications to be sent to certain individuals without contact details ), the creation of the notification without notice is allowed.
  • Legal entities, as subjects obliged to interact electronically with public administrations, notification by email or mobile phone is always optional.

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