Electronic notifications are official communications from the Administration addressed to citizens, companies and entities, with full legal validity.

After you have completed a transaction or procedure with a public body, it may contact you via electronic notification. You may also receive notifications related to procedures initiated ex officio by the Administration, such as a sanction.

You can receive the electronic notification notice by email or SMS. However, you can access the notification mailbox from the electronic office or website of the issuing body.

Below we explain the steps to access an electronic notification:

1. Receipt of notification notice

When the Administration notifies you, you will receive an email or SMS:

notification email and sms.png

The email will provide you with, among other information, instructions on how to access the notification. You can access it through:

    • With one-time code
    • With idCAT Mobile or Cl@ve
    • With digital certificate

2. Access the email or SMS link

Access the link in the email or SMS you received ("Login to access"):

e-mail and sms notification indicating where the link is located.png

3. Press access "with digital identity" or "with one-time code"

Click to access "with digital identity" or " single-use code " (*) depending on the access mechanism of your notification:

This is what you will see if you access from the link in the SMS or email. You will see this from the link that the organization makes available to you on its website.
option to enter with one-time code option to log in with digital identity

(*) Important . The "Access with one-time code" button is only available if you access the notifications from the email or SMS link, when the access mechanism is "One-time code". If you access from the electronic office or the Administration website, this button will not be displayed.

4. Identify yourself

  • One-time code :
  1. Choose the type of document and write the number of the identification document associated with the notification (as indicated in the notice received by email).
  2. Press "Send me a code."
  3. You will receive a code to the same email or mobile phone where you received the notice.
  4. Enter the code on the screen and press the “Verify” button.

Screen where to indicate the identification document and screen where to indicate the code received.png

  • Digital identity : Log in with idCAT Mobile, with a digital certificate (idCAT, DNIe..) or Cl@ve.

login screen VÀLid

If you need it, you can consult more information about :

5. Open the notification content

Once you have identified yourself, preview the notification details and press " Open notification " to access the content.

Open notification.png

Notification content.png

6. Downloading notification documents

You can download and save the documents associated with the notification to your device:

    • The administrative act (the document you previewed from the browser) by clicking on "Download the notification".
    • The annexes: by clicking on "Attached documents" (if any)
    • Proof that you have opened the notification (More information in downloading the proof of access to the notification)

7. Next steps once the notification is opened

Once the notification has been opened, depending on its content, you may want to make allegations, file an appeal, make a payment, identify a driver, etc. As a general rule, the content of the notification itself informs you of the next steps to follow or what specific procedure you must carry out. If, however, you need more information on how to respond to the notification, contact the Administration that notified you or access its website or electronic office and consider carrying out some of the different procedures available.

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