Below you will find detailed instructions for accessing the notifications received, depending on the access method and the type of user you are:

How can I identify myself to access the notification?

You can access the electronic notification received through the following means, depending on the access level of the same:

  • With single-use code
  • With idCAT Mobile or Cl@ve
  • With digital certificate

1. Access with a single-use code

  • Only allowed in low-level notifications.
  • It can only be used to access a specific notification , accessing from the email and/or SMS notification from the same device.
  • It has a limited temporal validity (30 minutes).

2. IdCAT Mobile or Cl@ve

  • Allows access to low-level notifications (in all cases) and if this has been obtained with a certificate or in person, also to substantial-level notifications.
  • Allows access to all notifications received by the recipient from the Catalan public administrations, with an access level equal to or lower than the identifier used.
  • Remember that to access via idCAT mobile, you need to register , as you will find in the FAQ How can I register for idCAT Mobile?

3.- With digital certificate

  • Allows access to low-level and substantial notifications (in all cases) and those qualified certificates of qualified electronic signature (on qualified signature creation secure device (card), also to high-level notifications .
  • Allows access to all notifications received by the recipient from the Catalan public administrations, with an access level equal to or lower than the identifier used.
  • The certificate can be issued by the AOC Consortium, or by any qualified certificate provider.
What access mechanisms can I use based on the notification access level?

There are three possible levels of access in a notification: LOW, SUBSTANTIAL, or HIGH.

Depending on the level of access, the mechanisms for access are as follows What are the possible levels of access to a notification?

How to access the notification/communication I received with one-time code?

You will only be able to access a specific, low-level notification by linking from the notification email or SMS you received.

Remember that the notifications that can be accessed with a single-use code are the notifications categorized by the issuing entity as LOW security level and therefore you can access them with any other valid digital identification system, such as to the idCAT Mobile, if the notification is for a person. We recommend that you get the idCAT mobile, identification and signature system that is based on the delivery of a single-use code to the mobile phone and immediate registration electronically. It can be obtained by following the following steps

If you do not yet have the mobile idCAT or other digital identification system, you can access low-level notifications with a single-use code by following these steps:

1.- Press the link you will find in the e-mail or SMS

link SMS.PNG

2.- You will access the electronic notification mailbox, where you must press the button "Access with single-use code

Access button with single-use code.PNG

3.- A banner will be displayed on the right side margin where you must enter your DNI or NIE and you will receive the code to the e-mail address or to the phone from which you clicked on the foreigner notification passport or VAT can also be reported). This address or phone number cannot be changed: it is the email address or phone number that was reported when performing the procedure related to the notification and it is the address or phone number that the issuing body reported when creating the notification , therefore, e-NOTUM checks that the identifier entered is the one linked to the notification (NIF, NIE, passport or VAT) and sends the one-time code to that specific address or phone.

Screen send me a code.png

4- You will receive a code by email or SMS, enter it on the screen and press the "Verify" button


5.-You will access a preview of the notification, with its main data in the right side margin, as well as the consequences of opening it. Press "Open notification" to access the content

Open the notification.png

Notification content.png

How to access the notification/communication I received with idCAT Mobile?

You will only be able to access LOW level notifications. Below we explain the steps:

1.- Press the link you will find in the e-mail or SMS

link SMS.PNG

2.- You will access the electronic notification mailbox, where you must press the "Access with digital identity" button

Access with digital identity button.PNG

3.- In the left side margin, you must include your identification document and phone and press the button "I have idCAT Mobile, continue"

Button I have idCAT Mobile.PNG

4.- You will receive the mobile phone access code linked to your idCAT Mobile, which you will need to enter on the next screen and press the "Send" button

SMS code.png

Code verification.png

5.- You will access a preview of the notification, with its main data on the right side margin, as well as the consequences of opening it. Press "Open notification" to access the content

Open the notification.png

Notification content.png

How to access the notification/communication I received with digital certificate?

1.- Press the link you will find in the e-mail or SMS

link SMS.PNG

2.- You will access the electronic notification mailbox, where you must press the "Access with digital identity" button

Access button with digital certificate.PNG

3.- In the side margin, press the "Digital certificate" button and then choose the certificate with which you want to access and indicate its password, if necessary.

Button Digital certificate.PNG

4.- You will access a preview of the notification, with its main data on the right side margin, as well as the consequences of opening it. Press "Open notification" to access the content

Open the notification.png

Notification content.png

Where can I access all my email notifications?

Accessing with idCAT Mobile or digital certificate:

  • From the link to access a notification , indicated in the notification email or SMS of this notification
  • Through the electronic headquarters of any body that uses the electronic notification service

In the case of accessing with a single-use code, it will only be possible to access from the link present in the notification e-mail or SMS and only to the specific notification.

How do we access the notification if we are a company?

Notifications addressed to a company may be intended exclusively for a company (legal entity) or, additionally, may have a natural person linked to it.

CASE 1. Notification intended exclusively for a company.

The notification is only intended for the NIF of the company and can therefore only be accessed by identifying as a company.

Access can be done in one way or another, depending on the level of access defined in the notification by the issuing entity (you will be informed in the notification email):

  • Notification with low access level : You can access with one-time password from the notification email or SMS. In this case, it is only necessary to click from the link present in the e-mail or SMS and inform the access screen of the NIF of the company and you will receive an access code to the telephone or e-mail defined in the notification (see access with one-time code section). You will only be able to access this specific notification.
  • Substantial or high access level : You will need access with a representative certificate. Related person certificates do not work, as they are listed as personal certificates. (see access with certificate section).

CASE 2. Notification sent to a company and a related person of that company

If you identify yourself as a company, you will need to access it as indicated in the previous section.

If you identify yourself as a linked person, you will need to access it as indicated below:

  • Notification with low access level: You can access with one-time password from the notification email or SMS. In this case, just click from the link present in the e-mail or SMS and inform the access screen of your NIF and you will receive an access code to the phone or e-mail defined in the notification ( see access with one-time code section). You can only access this specific notification .
  • Substantial level of access: you will need access with a certificate (see section access with certificate). You will be able to see all your personal notifications (only those of the company you are linked to)
  • High access level : you will need to access with a certificate (see certificate access section). You will be able to see all your personal notifications (only those of the company you are linked to)

The notice of the notification indicates who is the recipient of the notification and the level of access to it; in any case, if you have doubts about who is the recipient of the notification, you can contact the issuing body.

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